Sunday, 17 December 2017

'Twas the Last Week Before Christmas

I can't believe the last week of December is here! Here is a list of this week's events and activities. I am sending this out on Saturday in hope that it will reach everyone by email before the week begins. Unfortunately, there seems to be some sort of delay from when I write on the blog to when the emails are sent out. I don't have any control over this and I apologize if the information is getting to you too late.

Advent Liturgy for Week #3-Joy at 1:30

Junior Craft Morning-please wear old clothing. We will be using permanent paint and markers. I am looking for any volunteers who wouldn't mind supervising a craft table with my grade 6 class.

Grade 6 retreat to Divine infant has been CANCELLED. We will be rescheduling for sometime in January. We apologize for the short notice. Please send your child to school with a lunch on Wednesday and it will be classes as usual.


Junior Advent Liturgy for Week #4-Love at 10:00

Sing-a-long 10:50-11:50 
Our grade 6 class and Ms.Zurwerra's 5/6 class will be singing and signing Mary Did You Know. Please practice the signs at home.

The Breakdown Video

Mary Did You Know

PJ & Movie afternoon for Junior Students

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

iWalk Day Tomorrow

Wednesday, December 13th is iWalk Day! It is a day on which we encourage students to walk or wheel to school as part of our Active Transportation and healthy lifestyles goals for our school. All students who are able to walk, bike, roller blade, scooter, or wheel to school are encouraged to do so. If you can't walk or wheel the whole way, we invite you to Drive to 5! This is a concept in which students are encouraged to drive to a location close to school, and walk the remaining distance to school. We now only have 1 location for Wednesdays which is the Parking lot of Marcel Lalande Park, 2157 Northlands Drive
Image result for walk to school

Important Information for Wednesday, December 13th

Grade 6 PJ Day

The grade 6 class has earned a reward for working so hard this year. We will be celebrating by having a PJ day. Please ensure your son/daughter is wearing a fresh pair of PJ's when they leave home in the morning.
Image result for PJ Day

Grade 4 Commercial Work Period
The grade 4 class has been working hard on their cereal box assignment. Tomorrow is supposed to be their last day to make their commercials. If they are working hard and a bit more time, I will happily provide them with extra time. If your child requires any special clothing or props, please ensure they bring them to school on Wednesday.

Image result for commercial clipart

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Grade 4 Geometry Quiz

The Grade 4s have been preparing for their quiz for the past few weeks. I feel they are more than ready to write tomorrow. I have made sure their red duotangs were sent home today so that they can review for tomorrow. I have included pics of some of our anchor charts as well as a strategt=y for answering problem-solving questions.

For the quiz, students will need to know:
  • benchmark angles (90 degrees-right angle), straight line (180 degrees), acute (less than 90 degrees), and obtuse (greater than 90 degrees)
  • identify a benchmark angle on a picture or real life example
  • types of lines (Ex. perpendicular, parallel, intersecting, etc)
  • identify all lines of symmetry on a 2D shape as well as draw the other half of a symmetrical object
  • identify different quadrilaterals based on their characteristics (Ex. a quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines is a parallelogram OR a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel lines, 2 acute, and 2 obtuse angles is a trapezoid)
  • Students should be able to identify different quadrilaterals based on their pictures
  • compare polygon (2D shape with 3 sides) to a quadrilateral (2D shape with 4 sides)
  • understand that there are different types of parallelograms (rhombus, rectangle, square)