Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Crazy Hat/Hair Day Friday, October 20th

A reminder that the next United Way student event is this Friday, October 20th. It is Crazy Hair/Hat Day. Bring in a loonie or a toonie to support those in need! Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Grade 6 Math Test- Thursday, October 19th

Our grade 6s have been working hard on their Number Sense and Numeration Unit. We have been collaborating to solve more complex, multi-step problems and now students will be reviewing all necessary skills needed to prepare for next week's test. The concepts and skills needed for next week's test are outlined below with an anchor chart to assist your child to study for the test. We worked on a review of our unit this week and the class will be going over the answers on Monday. Students are not required to know each strategy for addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. All I ask is that they use a strategy that they feel comfortable with. I provide them with a variety of strategies to explore so that they can see what works for them.

Image result for place value anchor chartStudents need to be able to:
-identify the place value of an underlined digit

-write, read, and draw numbers in standard, expanded, word, and base 10 form

-identify the value of an underlined digit and say what that digit is worth. For example, in the number 257 931, the seven would be in the thousands place and it is worth 7 000.

-find the product (multiplication), sum (addition) and difference (subtraction) in word problems (1 mark for showing their work, 1 mark for the correct answer, 1 mark for a proper sentence that answers the question.

Image result for subtraction strategies with regrouping anchor chart
Image result for multiplication strategies anchor chart

-using < and > symbols to identify which number is greater/less
-round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, or hundred thousand.

Image result for greater than less than anchor charts   Image result for rounding anchor chart

-identify prime numbers and draw a factor tree for composite numbers. An example for a factor tree below.
Image result for prime numbers anchor chart   Image result for factor tree anchor chart

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

United Way Fundraising Fridays

Sent to be the Good News
October 2017
United Way
Give. Change A Life.

As you are aware, the United Way/Centraide of Ottawa-Carleton has launched its 2017 Campaign to support those in need in the Ottawa area. United Way/Centraide supports many programs in over 100 member agencies. This year, the staff and students of St. Clare school are called to make a conscious decision in taking an active part in the community by continuing to care for those in need. This supports our Board’s theme, “Sent to be the Good News.” We have designated three Fridays, October 13, 20 and 27, to raise money for our neighbours from the Ottawa area who are in need. Although we ask that students donate a loonie or a toonie for our special days, they can donate anything they can afford to participate in the activities outlined below. Students can do chores in order to earn money to donate to this cause.

You have touched the hearts of many people with your previous, generous support as seen with the Terry Fox walk and the Thanksgiving St. Vincent de Paul food drive. Please help us support United Way.  Your contribution is most appreciated.

Here is the outline for the three days:

Screenshot 2016-10-11 at 11.19.59.png Friday, October 13th: Board Game Day
Bring a toonie and a board game to play during a block today!
No electronic games, please.

Screenshot 2016-10-11 at 11.25.14.png
Friday, October 20th:    Crazy Hair and/or Hat Day         
Students can wear a funny hat and/or have crazy
hair all day for a loonie.

Screenshot 2016-10-11 at 11.22.47.pngFriday, October 27th: Black & Orange Day and Movie Day
Bring a toonie and come to school in Black & Orange clothes.
Let’s enjoy a movie for this last afternoon before Halloween.

Thank you for your continued support of the United Way in our community of Ottawa-Carleton!


Thursday, 5 October 2017

United Way Campaign Starts Next Week!

Friday, October 13th: Board Game Day for United Way
Bring a loonie or a toonie and a board game to play during a block today! No electronic games, please.

Image result for board games


I would like to congratulate one of our grade 6 students for achieving his goal of raising over $10,000 towards Cancer Research and Patient Care over the past 7 years.